[box type=”custom-boxed-item” align=”center” text_align=”textcenter”]
[fancy_header tag=”h4″ size=”medium” text_align=”textcenter” bold=”1″]What’s this?[/fancy_header]
If you need an HTML table added into your content, use the Table shortcode to ensure it’s styled beautifully. Like the example below.
[icon icon=”fa-arrow-down” font_size=”15″ boxed=”1″ description=”See examples below” position=”center” margin_top=”20px” margin_bottom=”-40px” link=”#content” class=”infinite wobble”]
[section_break type=”blank” margin_bottom=”30″ /]
[fancy_header bold=”1″ type=”style1″ text_align=”textcenter”]Just a table. But useful.[/fancy_header]
[fancy_table width=”100%”][table]
[th]Column 1 heading[/th]
[th]Column 2 heading[/th]
[td]Cell 1-1[/td]
[td]Cell 1-2[/td]
[td]Cell 2-1[/td]
[td]Cell 2-2 [span class=”highlighted-text”]Highlighted[/span][/td]
[section_break type=”blank” margin_bottom=”30″ /]
[fancy_table width="100%"] [table] [tr] [th]Column 1 heading[/th] [th]Column 2 heading[/th] [/tr] [tr] [td]Cell 1-1[/td] [td]Cell 1-2[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]Cell 2-1[/td] [td]Cell 2-2 [span class="highlighted-text"]Highlighted[/span][/td] [/tr] [/table] [/fancy_table]